Third Status Report on the Project 'KEEP THE READING QUEUE UNDER CONTROL'. 


Second Status Report on the Project 'KEEP THE READING QUEUE UNDER CONTROL'. 


Think of this, if you will, as a Status Report on the Project 'KEEP THE READING QUEUE UNDER CONTROL' which is officially now a thing around here. You never know, reporting on it like a project might keep the targets clear, and the deliverables.. err ... delivered.

The reader of these updates might remember I went into Christmas 2024 intending to read as many as possible from a pile of books that I listed in my December 2024 newsletter. Surprisingly given the ... Read Update

All the books and reviews for 2024 are now over from the old site and relaid out. Will be worrying about blog posts / updates later on as they are less important. Now onto 2023....Read Update

Things are progressing in the catch up of books / reviews etc onto this new site. It's taking a while, I'd forgotten just how many reviews / books had been added in the last 18 years.

The plan was to pull in books as new ones from the same author came out. That has "sort of" worked, but I've also been working my way backwards through the most recent reviews posted, and sideways as somebody triggers a memory, or something pops up in a list somewhere.

Basically there is no plan, I'm getting there. Read Update

I realise this is ridiculously, embarrassingly late, but better late than never right. The longlists were announced ages ago, as were the winners so a summary:

Best Crime Novel

Ritual of Fire, DV Bishop  (WINNER)
The Caretaker, Gabriel Bergmoser
Pet, Cathering Chidgey
Devil's Breath, Jill Johnson
... Read Update

Along with the RSS Feeds, there is now a newsletter option on AustCrimeFiction - the link to subscribe is down the bottom of the site, there won't be a lot of newsletters, basically I'll send one when there's been a reasonable number of new posts gone live.


Also, in order to provide a regular update on activities, there's now a single page:

that lists the last fortnight's updates (blogs), books, ... Read Update

As you can tell from looking, has had "yet another refresh". This time not because I was bored, but for a slight change in direction. For ages now I've been looking for a way to better manage the review queues - it's tricky keeping track of what books need to be read when (I know first world problems), but it does lead to some annoyed publishers, publicists and authors, and leaves me panic struck sometimes. 

So to do something about the constant feelings of "where / what / oh god I've forgotten", I've added a lot of fields, lists and information to ... Read Update

History and humanity: 2023 Ngaio Marsh Awards finalists plunge readers into page-turning tales about who we are

The winners were announced in November, all of which are books WELL worth reading.


WINNER:  MISSING PERSONS by Steve Braunias (HarperCollins)     

A NEW DAWN by Emeli Sione (Mila’s Books)
THE DEVIL YOU KNOW by Dr Gwen Adshead & Eileen Horne (Faber)
DOWNFALL: THE DESTRUCTION OF CHARLES MACKAY by Paul Diamond (Massey University Press) ... Read Update