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Title Book Cover Read by Date Review By Date NetGalley Archive Date
17 Years Later
Pheasants Nest Fri, 26/04/2024
Opal Mon, 30/09/2024
The Ledge Sun, 01/12/2024
What Living and Dying is Like Tue, 03/12/2024 Tue, 03/12/2024
The Strip Tue, 03/12/2024 Tue, 03/12/2024
When It Rains Mon, 30/12/2024
The Pool Tue, 31/12/2024 Tue, 31/12/2024
Nothing But Murders and Bloodshed and Hanging Fri, 31/01/2025 Tue, 11/02/2025
9 days remaining to event.
The Private Island Sun, 02/02/2025
Less than 1 day remaining to event.
Mon, 10/02/2025
8 days remaining to event.
Tue, 18/02/2025
16 days remaining to event.
The Pit Fri, 28/02/2025
26 days remaining to event.
Madukka: The River Serpent Fri, 28/02/2025
26 days remaining to event.
Miss Caroline Bingley, Private Detective Fri, 28/02/2025
26 days remaining to event.
Sun, 02/03/2025
28 days remaining to event.
Sun, 02/03/2025
28 days remaining to event.
His Favourite Graves Fri, 28/02/2025
26 days remaining to event.
The Body Next Door Sat, 01/03/2025
27 days remaining to event.
Sat, 01/03/2025
27 days remaining to event.
Carved in Blood Mon, 10/03/2025
36 days remaining to event.
Tue, 15/07/2025
163 days remaining to event.
The Detective Up Late Thu, 27/03/2025
53 days remaining to event.
No Less the Devil Mon, 31/03/2025
57 days remaining to event.
Dragon's Claw Mon, 31/03/2025
57 days remaining to event.
The Coffinmaker’s Garden Wed, 30/04/2025
87 days remaining to event.
