I'm really only slightly obsessed with this author's work. Slightly in that just about everything he has written now is automatically high on the read / listen list.

Sometimes, into every life, a bloody good laugh, a bit of craic, some distraction from the general godawfulness of everything around is required, and right now, for my ears and eyes, that's Bunny McGarry (he features in two of this collection of seven short stories) and anything else that's offered up.

Is this a fun collection - yes it is.

Have I learned anything about human nature - other than we all need a bloody good laugh (which I already knew) no.

Do I regret the time I took out from the review queues to read this recently - not for a single solitary second.

Would I do it again if another of these short story collections meandered my way - in the blink of an eye.


You can get the collection by signing up to the author's email list:  http://whitehairedirishman.com/free/

Should come with a warning - you may find yourself deep in the Dublin "Trilogy" (HA!) before you can say "what the hell was all that about".

Book Source Declaration: 
I received a copy of this book from the Author

How to Send a Message

This is a collection of short stories that is exclusively available to members of Caimh's mailing list.

The collection features an eclectic mix of seven stories that range in genre from crime thriller to romantic comedy to sci-fi. Two of the stories feature Detective Bunny McGarry, the unlikely anti-hero from Caimh's critically-acclaimed Dublin Trilogy novels.

You can get the collection by signing up here:


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