
Detective Sergeant Kate Miles is back from maternity leave and struggling on multiple fronts - the pressures of a second child, financial strain from her husband losing his job, and a corruption scandal that may involve her father.

When an infant goes missing, Kate finds herself...Read more

Marcia's Dead

Who killed Marcia?
Beautiful but difficult, Marcia...

Ted answers the telephone to discover his ex-wife, Marcia, is dead, accidentally drowned in the sea below the house that he built on a remote beach in the north of New Zealand, a house he lost in the divorce....Read more

The Fallen Leaves


The 'Fallen Leaves' of the title are 'The people who have drawn blanks in the lottery of life...the friendless and the lonely, the wounded and the lost'.

The novel follows the fortunes of four women, all in one way or another 'fallen leaves', who are linked by their relationships...Read more