Kyril Bonfiglioli

Bonfiglioli, Kyril

After You With the Pistol

Cult classics in the UK since their first publication in the 1970s, Kyril Bonfiglioli's wickedly fun mysteries, featuring the Honorable Charlie Mortdecai - degenerate aristocrat, amoral art dealer, seasoned epicurean, unwilling assassin, and general knave-about-Piccadilly.

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After You With the Pistol, Kyril Bonfiglioli

Joanna might not be quite what she seems, but Charlie most definitely is.  In what has to be a homage to PG Wodehouse, Charlie and Jock are undoubtedly a latter day Wooster and Jeeves pairing, although possibly with more brandy and soda, a lot more guns and slightly less eyes than the...Read more