How the Dead See, David Owen

It's just so heartening to know that the Pufferfish Series lives on that it's difficult to remain objective about the latest book.  HOW THE DEAD SEE is the second of the re-emergence of David Owen's much loved, acerbic, dry, funny, dark and quite prickly Detective Inspector Franz Heineken...Read more


Crosskill, Garry Disher

CROSSKILL is another of my Wyatt series rereads - just because I want to.

This book, in particular, really takes on the bad guys.  Wyatt may not immediately seem to have much of a moral conscience when it comes to taking other people's money - but he does think honour amongst...Read more


Whispering Death, Garry Disher

Put a book with Garry Disher's name on the cover down on the table at our place and there's bound to be a bit of sighing from certain quarters.  Fair enough, it normally means that all forms of communication will cease until the book is finished.  Whilst I will admit a slight preference for...Read more


Paydirt, Garry Disher

Wyatt is back in a new adventure set on the far side of morality. Introduced in Kickback, Garry Disher's fast-selling, widely praised crime novel, Wyatt reappears in the South Australian outback, intent on snatching a payroll. But Wyatt is not the only one eyeing the funds. The Outfit has...Read more


Where Have You Been?, Wendy James

What would you do if your teenage sister just simply disappeared when you were a little girl.  And then reappeared at about the same time as your mother's estate was to be distributed?

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? by Wendy James explores what Susan and Ed Middleton do when Susan's long...Read more


No Weather for a Burial, David Owen

Four Pufferfish novels were never ever going to be enough for dedicated fans of this wonderful, quirky Police Procedural from Tasmanian based author David Owen.  There was always a real sense of disappointment that Owen didn't appear to have been given the opportunity to publish more of...Read more


Wyatt, Garry Disher

It's been quite a wait for the latest WYATT novel - The Fallout was published in 1997.  I for one was rather excited to hear the news that there was a book on the way last year and I've been somewhat impatiently waiting for it to appear since then.  As with all these greatly anticipated...Read more


Kickback, Garry Disher

There's a new Wyatt on the way, and that means it's as good a time as any to do a little tidying up of the back catalogue.

Wyatt is a very careful man, because he has to be.  Wyatt robs banks, lifts payrolls, gets girls, leaves girls, lives the life of a loner, trusts few,...Read more


A Decent Ransom, Ivana Hruba

A DECENT RANSOM is a story of a kidnapping gone right (according to the tag on the book).  More than that it's a story about a bit of a misfit that somehow ends up okay, despite all the odds being stacked against him.

The storyline is pretty simple to start off with - two young...Read more


Blood Moon, Garry Disher

The Hal Challis series is really growing into something particularly interesting, as well as entertaining.  There's a distinct edge to this story, there are obviously some issues which the author wants to talk about, and he's cleverly worked a number of elements of social observation and...Read more


A Deadly Business, Lenny Bartulin

Jack's life has certainly been a roller-coaster - there are liberal hints throughout the book of a somewhat less than spotless background and there's a pared down, minimalist sort of a private life.  But his bookshop is something that is his, and he obviously knows a bit about the business...Read more

Capable of Murder, Brian Kavanagh

My Rating: Choccies, coffee, sparkling shiraz, book in hand, comfy chair late on a Sunday afternoon in the fading sun read.


A young Australian girl's elderly english great-aunt leaves everything to her after she dies in her home, seemingly from an accidental...Read more

Pig's Head, David Owen

An old release - originally published in 1994, Pig's Head is the first in the 4 Pufferfish novels by David Owen and so far it's been the only one I've never been able to get my hands on. Imagine my sheer delight when Kill City in Swanston Street revealed 2 copies!

Detective...Read more

