Listened to the audio of this one, read by Casey Withoos, it's a rehash of a number of Australian cold cases, many of which will be instantly recognisable to local listeners / readers. Where this outing varies a little is in the way the author, Mallett, discusses the cases from a forensic anthropologist / criminologist viewpoint, which did provide some interesting insights. The audio delivery is a little on the low key side, flat side which fits with the sad and often tragic cases being discussed, although it did mean I sometimes found myself drifting a little, and hitting the rewind button as a consequence.
Cold Case Investigations

From the disappearance of the Beaumont children to the abduction of William Tyrrell to the double murder of Karlie Pearce-Stevenson and her daughter Khandalyce, Xanthé is determined to expose the truth to maximise dignity for both deceased victims and those left behind.
Xanthé talks to experts to uncover the how's and why's of tragic murders and haunting disappearances. Along the way readers will also be introduced to new forensic techniques and scientific methods that could - or did - help move the case forward.
Cold Case Investigations covers mostly murders or suspected murders - such as Ashley Coulston, Mr Cruel and Ivan Milat - with the victims as the focus. Not only because, criminologically speaking, the more you can learn about your victim the more you can extrapolate about the person who killed or abducted them, but also because they deserve their stories to be told. They deserve for people to know their names. They shouldn't just be someone's victim.