In the sleepy town of Gainesville, Cooper Fox is a beloved local figure with a mind clouded by amnesia from a devastating car accident. But a chance encounter with three menacing strangers shatters the image of Cooper as a gentle guy with a foggy past, leaving the town of Gainesville to grapple with a startling Who—or what—is Cooper Fox?

As Cooper grapples with the emergence of bewildering new memories, he finds himself caught in a maelstrom of dark secrets, clandestine experiments, and lethal killers. With his nascent abilities emerging, Cooper is thrust into a relentless battle that will not only challenge his newfound strengths but also force him to confront the truth of his identity. In a world where nothing is what it seems, and danger lurks in the shadows, Cooper must navigate a path fraught with peril and deception, where the stakes are not just his own life, but the very essence of what it means to be human.

Publication Date: 
Tue, 13/02/2024
No of Pages: 
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