Australian Police Slain on Duty in the early 20th century

The harrowing true stories of fallen police officers and how they met their end in a rendevous with death on the path of duty.

A new century and a new nation forged by the will of the people seemed to turn a new page and raised hope for a better future.  In this there was abundant truth, but there still lurked the malcontents who fed on unsuspecting hosts using violence in support of their enterprise and deadly force to avoid detection.

These are the traumatic stories of policemen, working class men, family men, often benighted men, who died at the hands of the mad, bad and sad and unexpectedly.  They died in the knowledge that duty expected of them the laying down their lives for the community they were sworn to serve. They died bravely for the new nation, for its people and esprit de corps .

This is a richly illustrated account of men who died preserving the peace at home, while their brothers-in- arms fought evil on the front lines of Europe.  Their stories are often intertwined.

Publication Date: 
Wed, 03/05/2023
No of Pages: 
Book Type: 