When Rodney Collins, spokesperson for the environmental group SLUDGE (Sea Life Under Danger of Gradual Extinction) dies in a draining accident the police call it 'Death by Misadventure'. But Barry Donovan isn't so sure. Only days before, Collins had hired him to investigate a possible infiltration of SLUDGE. Coincidences like that just didn't happen. But why would anyone want to murder the mild-mannered spokesperson of a harmless environmental group? SLUDGE's anti-pollution lobbying couldn't be winning them too many friends in a big business and government, but surely the grouop wasn't that much of a threat? As Donovan digs deeper he realises that the murder of Rodney Collins is just a drop in the ocean compared to what else is going on. And the planet isn't the only thing in danger of extinction...

Publication Date: 
Tue, 01/01/1991
Series Name: 
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