“The longer a case remains unsolved, the greater the chance there will be another murder.”
Investigative officer Elias Muska lived by that axiom throughout his illustrious career. Then the killer from an unsolved case strikes again, but Elias isn’t a police officer any more.
Caught between a painful past and an uncertain future, retired police officer Elias Muska is in his forties and living on a pension half his old salary. He looks after the widow of a close friend killed in the line of duty, and is fiercely supported by his new girlfriend, but the rest of his life is a non-event.
Trouble builds quickly, and Elias cannot ignore the many cries for help. The old case of a murdered tourist and her family, who need answers, returns to haunt him, and then a local hunter disappears, followed by another.
Shot at, threatened, driven off the road and his car set on fire, he hides the people he cares about at an unlikely friend’s motel, while he uses his ‘death’ as a smokescreen to fight a bent lawyer and a criminal mastermind. This is a new kind of policing, with a hard edge he hasn’t experienced before. Using his friends in the police force, and his ‘eyes and ears' - the Alcoholics Anonymous organization in his area - he unravels the truth behind what has been happening.