The Shepherd's Crown, Terry Pratchett

Starting out with a challenge to myself to listen to the entire Discworld series as audio books has been quite a ride. I had expected to be hugely entertained, to laugh a lot, and feel a bit sad in places. I hadn't quite expected to be as thought-provoked as I turned out to be, with the...Read more

Snuff, Terry Pratchett

Discworld Number 39, Ankh-Morpork City Watch Number 8 and Sam Vimes goes on a holiday. As unlikely a scenario as you could possibly expect, especially when the holiday is in the country - balls, teas, nights that are quiet, except for the birds screaming. None of which is particularly...Read more

I Shall Wear Midnight, Terry Pratchett

The fourth in the Tiffany Aching subseries of the Discworld novels, finds Tiffany on her own as the Witch of the chalk, dealing with the lunacy of rumours, and somebody, somewhere who is igniting fear, whipping up dark thoughts, setting people against witches, who, after all, are mostly...Read more

Unseen Academicals, Terry Pratchett

Originally posted: Thursday, February 25, 2010 - listened to this in audio format in early 2021


Less of a fully fledged review, more of a musing on the latest Discworld Novel from Terry Pratchett UNSEEN ACADEMICALS.

The quote on the back sort of...Read more

Making Money, Terry Pratchett

Only in Ankh-Morpork would Lord Vetinari solve the problem of his conman of choice's boredom at the Post Office by putting him in charge of the Royal Bank and Mint. I mean why not a self-declared, out and out conman, known to his boss Vetinari for exactly what he is, in charge of the...Read more

Thud!, Terry Pratchett

Followers of the Discworld series will be aware that the Battle of Koom Valley looms large. It's referenced frequently in the Ankh-Morpork Watch sub-section of the series, and it's all about the relationship between the trolls and the dwarfs. As it says in the blurb - "That was where the...Read more

Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett

I was really reminded, listening to the 3rd in the Tiffany Aching sub-series of Discworld, just how good Terry Pratchett's female characters are. In WINTERSMITH it's Tiffany Aching, a 13 year old girl, witch, slayer of demons, friend of the Wee Free Men and battler of the Wintersmith...Read more

Going Postal, Terry Pratchett

"Suddenly, condemned arch-swindler Moist von Lipwig found himself with a noose around his neck and dropping through a trapdoor into...a government job?"

GOING POSTAL is the 33rd Discworld Novel, and the first to feature Moist von Lipwig, conman, swindler, thief, very nearly...Read more

A Hat Full of Sky, Terry Pratchett

From the Blurb: Tiffany Aching, the boldest heroine ever to swing a frying pan against the forces of evil, is beginning her apprenticeship in magic. She expects to work hard, learn spells, and become a witch. She doesn't expect to find herself doing chores, caring for the careless, and...Read more

The Last Hero, Terry Pratchett

I have to confess to being very disappointed that the only Audible version of THE LAST HERO available seems to be an abridged version (4 hours and 24 minutes worth), unless I'm older and blinder than I thought I was. Which is also part of the reason that I really love this book so much....Read more

The Colour of Magic, Terry Pratchett

Anybody paying attention might have noticed I've been revisiting a lot of favourite series in audible format recently. Lots of time in the car = lots of listening time and local radio is now so dire it's been the perfect kick in the pants to go back and re-listen to many favourite series. A...Read more

Making Money, Terry Pratchett

Less of a review - more of a note to self. If Terry Pratchett published the doodles from the notepad on his telephone table I'd probably read that, so MAKING MONEY was no trial at all, even though it's probably not one of the better of the Discworld novels.

Maybe that's because...Read more

Unseen Academicals, Terry Pratchett

Less of a fully fledged review, more of a musing on the latest Discworld Novel from Terry Pratchett UNSEEN ACADEMICALS.

The quote on the back sort of says it all "The thing about football - the IMPORTANT thing about football - is that it is not just about football".  Now I will...Read more

Thud!, Terry Pratchett

The origins of the Battle of Koom Valley between the Trolls and the Dwarves is obscure and the subject of much debate, but every year, the anniversary celebrations of the battle spark off tensions between the two communities. This year, this celebration, tensions are rising in Ank-Morpork...Read more
