Shane Briant

Shane Briant has starred in thirty-two international feature films as well as countless television productions in America, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. He is author of bestsellers "The Webber Agenda", "The Chasen Catalyst", "Hitkids" and "Bite of the Lotus". In 2005 Shane wrote his first film, "A Message from Fallujah" starring Lance Henriksen, which will be screened in competition at Montreal, Palm Springs and Rhode Island - amongst others to be determined. His latest screenplay 'Worst Nightmares' is scheduled for a 2005/06 shoot. Shane lives in Sydney with his gorgeous wife Wendy, Giblet the celebrated Darlinghurst tortoiseshell cat, and her huge marmalade son Freddy Kruger - a moggie to be reckoned with.



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