The Detective team of Rueben Collins and JC Cathcart are urgently called from her fairy-tale wedding, in the isolated spectacular Nevis Valley of Central Otago. Their latest challenge involves the brutal slaying of a newly arrived Norwegian skier, in New Zealand's premier tourist hot spot of Queenstown. The motives for the killing in such a popular tourist haven, a mystery. Australian financial whizzkid Kylian Hill is a virtual recluse, shacked up in his Sydney money palace like some latter day Scrooge. He loves and then loses, in a shorter time than it takes one of his rapier-like moves to influence his mistress, the stock market. With the assistance of his brutal partner in crime, the knock-on effects of his tragic personal loss, unleashes a campaign of bloody revenge. His crusade threatens the financial stability, and ultimately the very fabric of a country. For Collins and Cathcart the clock is ticking. 

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