Brent Partner
Brent Partner is a writer, academic librarian, husband and father.
Sex, Drugs and Kitsch Art
Does memory truly reflect the reality we exist in? Is one person’s perception of the world the same for everyone?
At the death of the 20th century, Bill Myers is back in town. After fifteen years of marriage, Myers is single once more. But his ex-wife has a stranglehold on him and orders him to seek out his old friend Alan Steerforth. The one person in existence that Bill had hoped never to see again.
Taking work as a driver, he embarks on a physical and metaphorical passage into the murky and atmospheric world of massage parlours, strip clubs and gangs. It is a journey whose meaning constantly eludes him. It is an existence fraught with peril that might surely mean his death.
Noir swims the Pacific Ocean to land in the Antipodes. In New Zealand, the genre drags itself ashore in a new city at night – Auckland. This dark tale navigates the twists and turns of inner city streets steering a course to the dawn of a new millennium.