The final episode of The Jaded Kiwi Trilogy is an interwoven twisted tale of spying, policing, art curating, and the marijuana growing underworld, all set in an authentic mid-1970’s backdrop. Prepare for high tension, breathless action, and to truly root for the good guys (and even the not-so-good guys)

Barbara Turner in The Jaded Widow, is New Zealand’s most diabolical villain ever created as she plots her revenge on the Chinese sinsemilla growing family who killed her husband.

Alexander Newman, art curator and part time spy, infiltrates a massive pot network under the guise of promoting his Maori art exhibition. Caught cheating with a lusty librarian, Alexander promises to investigate a massage parlor for Dr Mel Johnson.

Inspector Grimble closes in on Barbara Turner’s schemes, the Chinese harvested crop and Wiremu Wilson’s large marijuana network.

Alexander has to decide how far he will go to expose the parlor, reclaim the heart of Dr. Mel and come face to face with the dangerous Barbara Turner and her psychotic brother.

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