As a former Sydney detective himself, journalist Duncan McNab intimately knows the world of Roger Rogerson, Australia's most notorious ex-policeman. They trained at the same places, rose through the ranks in the same time-honoured way, and served in some of the same divisions yet Rogerson's career was to turn out very differently indeed.

'The Dodger' is a brilliant behind the scenes account of Rogerson and the police culture that created him. It shines a powerful spotlight on a hidden world of corruption and violence and on the infamous murders of Warren Lanfranchi, Sallie-Anne Huckstepp and the attempted murder of Michael Drury. It also details the rise and fall of Rogerson's friendship with Arthur "Neddy" Smith, heroin dealer, murderer and one of the most feared villains in Australia. 'The Dodger' is a truly eye-opening insider's view of a brilliant detective gone to the bad and of cases that have become Australian criminal legend.

Year of Publication

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