The first book in the new Madeleine Brooks Mystery series!

Madeleine Brooks, Senior Probation Officer, is having problems at work with a boss who is threatened by Maddie’s competence. And now one of her long-term probation clients has been returned to prison on suspicion of murdering a child, the details of which have strong similarities with his original crime. Maddie doesn’t believe it and worries the police are not looking for anyone else.

When Maddie is suspended by her revengeful boss, she finds herself with time and energies she can put to good use. What if her client was innocent of the crime for which he was convicted years ago, just as he has always maintained? This would have implications about the present murder. When Maddie’s teenaged daughter becomes involved, things spiral down.

Has Maddie compromised her own family?

A compulsive page-turner, Death in Cold Waters is a murder mystery in the grand British classical mystery tradition.  Read it now to see how a new heroine’s tenacious determination to unearth the truth conflicts with a murderer’s devious and dangerous intrigue.

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