One autumn evening in the city of Cardigan a bicycle goes flying off the end of the pier and its rider disappears, never to be seen again. The key to the mystery is held by Adam Windsong, who possesses the extraordinary ability to breathe underwater.

It is an ability that is to entwine his life - and, briefly, his limbs - with the ambitious and alluring Sally Spector. But while Adam languishes at the enquiries desk of the public library, Sally becomes the most lustrous star in all of Cardigan, and then the central figure in the city's most controversial crime. And therein lies the tale: a delightfully whimsical, uproariously good read.


Alan Attwood

Alan Attwood was born in Scotland in 1957 and emigrated to Australia with his family in 1961. He has worked as an abalone packer, a dishwasher and a mail sorter but, since 1978, mainly as a journalist. From 1995 to 1998 he was the New York-based correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, and more recently he has been a columnist for The Age. He was shortlisted for The Australian/Vogel Literary Award with Sinking Into Winter in 1990, and his novel Breathing Underwater was published in 1997. He lives in Melbourne with his wife and three children.

Country of Origin



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