Women Who Kill explores more than a dozen cases of murder in Australia and New Zealand where women have taken the lives of loved ones and total strangers for the thrill of it.

True Crime writers Lindy Cameron and Ruth Wykes examine the evidence and look inside the hearts and minds of women who have ended the lives of others.


Lindy Cameron

Lindy Cameron wanted to be a famous scientist when she grew up but became a surburban journalist instead, until she got bored filling the gaps between the ads and switched to book editing because it meant she didn't have to interview people. She is now a crime writer - which is what she wanted to be in the second place.

Country of Origin



Series: Bryn Gideon

Series: Kit O`Malley

Series: Scarlet Stiletto

Series: Sherlock Holmes

Ruth Wykes

Even though she has been writing all her life, in one form or another, 2010 will be the year Ruth Wykes has her first taste of being a published author. She has co-written a true crime book with friend and mentor, Lindy Cameron. Women Who Kill will be available in May. Her interest in true crime and her love of crime fiction is reflected in her personal library; the only thing that competes with the resident felines for domination of her modest, but happy, home. For ten years Ruth was editor and publisher of a magazine, until she grew tired of the constant battle between wanting to write something of reasonable quality, then trying to sell it to a readership that was yearning for something quick and easy to digest. A little like the trends in our Western diets really. These days Ruth is often bemused by the knowledge that she works in a place that sells murder weapons, crime-concealment tools, and other apparently malevolent stock for the criminally minded – Bunnings. It has certainly made her look a little harder at some of the customers who ask her for rope, shovels and chainsaws. At the same time it offers up some interesting material for her imagination, and has inspired some of the more random moments in the crime fiction novel she is currently writing. She remains unclear about her role in the house she shares with five cats. There are moments when she feels like the unpaid cleaner, cook and masseuse of the menagerie – and other times where she just feels like she has been slotted somewhere into the predominantly feline hierarchy. She harbors a dream to travel extensively through Europe, to relocate to the eastern seaboard… and she lives for the day her beloved 

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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