When Probation Officer Cate Austin is given her new assignment, she faces the highest-profile case of her career. Alice Mariani helped her lover to die, and Cate has to recommend a sentence. But first she needs to understand.

Why did Alice agree to everything he asked of her?


Ruth Dugdall

Ruth Dugdall was born in 1971. She holds a BA honours degree in English Literature (Warwick University) and an MA in Social Work (University of East Anglia). She qualified as a probation officer in 1996 and has worked in prison with offenders guilty of serious crimes, including stalking, rape and murder. This has informed her crime writing. Since she started writing, Ruth has won awards in several writing competitions, and has had short stories published in the Winchester Writers' Conference and the Eva Wiggins Award anthologies.

Country of Origin


Series: Cate Austin

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)
Review THE SACRIFICIAL MAN - Ruth Dugdall
Karen Chisholm
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Blog CR - The Sacrificial Man, Ruth Dugdall
Karen Chisholm
Friday, November 23, 2012

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