“There are good cops, there are bad cops… and there is Pufferfish, aka Detective Inspector Franz Heineken.

Pufferfish. Feroxodon multistriatus. (The Ferocious Pufferfish gets its name from its tendency to attack people unprovoked and it has been known to bite the toes off swimmers.’ – Australian Museum.)

A severed head rolls out of the rubbish in a crowded coastal Tasmanian caravan park, and the hunt is on for the killers … and for their victim, a man no one seems to miss, a man no one wants to know. As Pufferfish digs deeper, he runs hard up against mainland law and order, and the smell of corruption grows”.


David Owen

David Owen was born in Zimbabwe in 1956 and grew up in Malawi and Swaziland. He completed his education in South Africa and then spent some years working in London. He migrated to Australia in 1986 and lived in Melbourne for four years. He is now settled in Tasmania.

Country of Origin



Series: Pufferfish

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