Nick Adamson is back in Thailand where psychopathic serial killers are murdering women unchecked and in cold blood in the Bangkog night. Nick is set up by one killer to bring down another but when he is framed for the death of a high profile socialite he must balance the need to clear his name with the need for revenge. With the help of friends, old and new, he plots a series of brutal showdowns to seek justice ... for all the victims and most of all, for himself.


John Daysh

John is a sixth generation New Zealander through his maternal blood lines and the Great, Great, Great, Grandson of John Daysh whom arrived in New Zealand in 1841 from Hamshire, England. Just two years after the Treaty of Waitangi which granted Britain dual sovereignty (with the indigenous Maori) over New Zealand. He is a proud New Zealander who knows Thailand well.

Country of Origin


Series: Nick Adamson

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

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