On a bleak, moonless winter night in 1995 beautiful Sydney model Caroline Byrne died, her body embedded head-first into a crevice at the bottom of The Gap at the entrance to Sydney Harbour.

How did she get out so far, almost 12 metres from the base of the sheer sandstone precipice? Did she jump, as so many had done before at the notorious suicide spot, or had she been thrown in a fit of rage?

What began as a sad Sydney ritual of retrieving the shattered bodies of shattered lives turned into one of the nation's most extraordinary murder investigations, leading to the dark heart of a city gripped by greed, pandering to its powerful, and exposing a police force whose lack of imagination and resources was surpassed only by the doggedness of its finest officers to right an unforgivable wrong.

This is a journey to justice, the astonishing inside story of Caroline's father Tony Byrne's determination to find the truth of his daughter's death and, in doing so, test the justice system to its limits.


Robert Wainwright

Robert Wainwright has been a journalist for 30 years, rising from the grassroots of country journalism in Western Australia to become a senior writer with The Sydney Morning Herald. His career has ranged from politics to crime, always focusing on the people behind the major news of the day. He was a Walkley Awards finalist in 2004. 

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