It's autumn in the E.U. and the temperature is falling in more ways than one when Inspector Anders is ordered back to Italy.

Two right-wing politicians have been murdered with an identical, bizarre M.O.  The Government is screaming 'terrorists' and the Prime Minister wants the famous terrorist-hunter on the case.  But the Milan police are hardly welcoming, and the one-legged Anders is unhappy to return.  Only the Mafia is delighted. 

As further high-level killings shock the nation, Anders tenaciously peels back layer after layer of falsity in the financial and political worlds.  But the reason for the killings and the identity of the perpetrators remain elusive.  Locked into one of his exotic hunches, and swinging between Milan and Verona, Anders agonises over whether he is being sidetracked.  The Honoured Society has sworn to kill him on Italian soil and Anders' greatest challenge is to stay alive.


Marshall Browne

Marshall Browne, born in Melbourne, was a sixth generation Australian. His forebear, a Calcutta merchant of Irish-Persian parentage, arrived in Sydney in 1809, and bought a grazing property near Cabramatta.With other land granted by Governor Macquarie, he settled down to New South Wales life as both merchant and grazier. He was one of the founders of Australia's first bank - The Bank of New South Wales.

Marshall followed several others of the family line into banking. During 1974-81 he was based in Hong Kong. He began writing novels in his spare time, and three with Far East backgrounds were published in London - the best known of which is City of Masks: a thriller set in Hong Kong's back streets and banking boardrooms which was translated into German, and published in Munich. From 1982-1995 he lived variously in London, Melbourne and Bhutan, in a variety of banking roles. He also served as a commando in the Australian forces, and as a paratrooper in the British forces. 

Country of Origin



Series: Aoki

Series: Franz Schmidt

Series: Inspector Anders

Series: Melbourne Trilogy

Series: Robert Hale

Year of Publication

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