She's beautiful.

She's sexy.

And she's very dangerous...

They cracked the code, and were on the road to their destiny...

Glen and Mark know the story behind Zoe.

The real story.

They've figured it out, they've done the research, they've found all the clues.

They're on the hunt - the hunt for Zoe.

Glen knows he's right.

He knows she's waiting out there for him.

Nothing will stop him.

No one will get in his way.

He'll be the first...

But will he be the last?

The hunt is on.

Because Legends Never Die...


Steve Gerlach

Steve Gerlach is one of Australia's few thriller writers. Born and bred in Australia, Gerlach's fast-paced, cut-to-the-bone style is a refreshing voice in the dry, barren Australian literary scene. Steve's background includes many varied roles. He has worked as an editor for a book publisher; as the editor-in-chief of an Australian motorcycle magazine; editor and publisher of an international crime magazine, Probable Cause; a researcher and columnist for a major Australian daily newspaper; a Technical Publications Officer in the security industry; marketing executive for an international telecommunications software company; and currently works in the field of international transit producers. He also worked as the Historical Advisor on the Australian film, Let's Get Skase. Steve Gerlach lives in Melbourne. He is currently working on a new novel.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication

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