Peter Clancy is a hard-drinking, hard-living journalist for the Melbourne Truth newspaper. He is unscrupulous in getting the dirt on society figures for the salacious stories the scandal sheet publishes. Upon hearing of the death of his mother in the outback Queensland town of Clarke's Flat, Peter returns to see to her affairs. He plans a quick trip to his childhood home, and aims to return to Melbourne within a few days. But things don't go according to his plan.

In Clarke's Flat, Peter meets several of his childhood friends and acquaintances who draw him into the sinister secrets of this outback town. His childhood friend, Dave Tindall, is now a police constable in the town. With Sam Saturday, an erstwhile Aboriginal stockman on the former Clancy cattle station, Dave convinces Peter to help him prove the suicides of Dave's father and his business partner were actually murders.

Peter's quest for evidence will stir up more than he bargained for- including his own shameful past. Will Peter Clancy succumb to despair and bolt, or will he expose Clarke's Flat sins and despotism and claim his own redemption.


TW Lawless

After initially studying journalism at university, T.W. Lawless worked as a registered nurse for many years before turning his hand to writing fiction. T.W. is the author of six thrillers, including two Amazon Kindle best-sellers (Homecountry and Thornydevils), as well as the co-writer of the soon-to-be released murder-mystery Furey’s War.

Raised on his family’s cattle station in remote North Queensland, T.W. now lives on the New South Wales Central Coast with his wife, who is also a writer.

His passion is writing, and when he’s not writing a book, he’s planning the next one.

Country of Origin



Series: Peter Clancy

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)
Review Review - HOMECOUNTRY, T.W. Lawless
Karen Chisholm
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Blog Currently Reading - Homecountry, T.W. Lawless
Karen Chisholm
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

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