The deliberate torching of a church creates outrage across Manchester.  And when a charred corpse and satanic symbols are found in the smoking ruins, DI Jon Spicer and the city's Major Incident Team are called in.

Jon Spicer quickly finds himself drawn into the depths of a horrifying underworld he didn't know existed.  Soon, fresh killings bring revelations that those responsible are prepared to commit unspeakable acts of evil in homage to their God.


Chris Simms

I was born and brought up in rural Sussex, three miles from the nearest shop. Childhood holidays – which lasted for weeks as my dad was a teacher – were spent in a secluded spot in the heart of Exmoor. Sitting round the campfire at night, the haunting cries of owls floating in from the blackness beyond the flames, he would read me the ghost stories of MR James. The short walk to the safety of my tent was always taken at a sprint.

Country of Origin


Series: DI Jon Spicer

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

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