Jack Furey is a decent man caught up in an indecent time.

Retired police sergeant Jack Furey is celebrating his 100th birthday, and he’s not happy about it. Unable to speak following a stroke and estranged from his son, all he wants is to reunite with his beloved, late wife.

After a visit from an old friend, he finds himself reliving the past. Suddenly, it’s 1942 and the US troops are about to descend on the town of Wangamba, Australia, where Jack is expected to maintain law and order. When an Australian soldier on leave is murdered, he has to work out who was responsible and why.

Along the way, Jack has to deal with corrupt officials, MPs with attitude, and Australian and American soldiers ready for some R and R. Everywhere he looks, people are misbehaving. It’s up to Jack to restore peace to his wartime North Queensland town.


TW Lawless

After initially studying journalism at university, T.W. Lawless worked as a registered nurse for many years before turning his hand to writing fiction. T.W. is the author of six thrillers, including two Amazon Kindle best-sellers (Homecountry and Thornydevils), as well as the co-writer of the soon-to-be released murder-mystery Furey’s War.

Raised on his family’s cattle station in remote North Queensland, T.W. now lives on the New South Wales Central Coast with his wife, who is also a writer.

His passion is writing, and when he’s not writing a book, he’s planning the next one.

Country of Origin



Series: Peter Clancy

Year of Publication
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Reading Pile

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