It's summer, Jim is sixteen, and off to the Victorian coast with his parents for an easy time at the beach. But things start to happen. Who is the strange figure he glimpses on the dunes? What is the link between Rachel, a survivor of Hitler's holocaust, and the sinister events Jim witnesses? And how can Gillian, with whom he falls completely in love, help him make sense of the drama around them? The tension builds in this remarkable exploration of adolescent sexuality in a world which is much more mysterious, dangerous, and apocalyptic than anyone guesses ...


Bill Green

Green was born in Swan Hill, Victoria in 1940. A journalist and former Press Secretary for Jim Cairns, he was a co-founding editor of ''Nation Review''. As well as his crime fiction, his work includes general fiction, satire, non-fiction, and numerous novelisations of episodes of the television series, ''Police Rescue''. 

Country of Origin
Karen Chisholm
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Blog Currently Reading - Compulsively Murdering Mao, Bill Green
Karen Chisholm
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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