Salisbury Forth is a courier of contraband in the alleyways of inner Melbourne, a city of fuel rationing, rolling power outages and curfews.

It′s a stressful life, post-pandemic. A vaccine dispensed Australia-wide is causing mass infertility, and the government has banned all remedies except prayer.

Vigilantes prowl for transgressors while the pious gather like moths under the streetlights at dusk. Then someone starts trading tainted hormones on the boss′s patch. Salisbury must find whoever is trying to destroy the business before everything goes belly up ...


Kim Westwood

Kim Westwood was born in Sydney, Australia, and spent several years of her childhood in New Zealand. She has always written, secretly and obsessively, while doing other more acceptable things; but that changed when her story ‘The Oracle’ won a 2002 Aurealis Award. Since then, more stories have appeared: in anthologies such as Agog!, Eidolon I and Dreaming Again, as well as in Year’s Bests in Australia and the USA, and on ABC Radio National. She is the recipient of a prestigious Varuna Writer’s Fellowship for The Daughters of Moab, her first novel.

Country of Origin



Year of Publication
Karen Chisholm
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Blog Currently Reading - The Courier's New Bicycle, Kim Westwood
Karen Chisholm
Monday, December 5, 2011

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