Mother Paul, the incomparable nun-detective, is faced with her most perplexing case when a former pupil at her convent school is murdered at their annual reunion.

As a schoolgirl Maisie Ryan was often bullied by her peers, but a decade later she’s a TV star, the glamorously renamed Rianne May. When she’s invited to be guest of honour at Maryhill College’s annual reunion, she has a chance to dazzle her old tormentors the way she does her adoring television audience. But as she’s holding court at the reunion tea party, old grudges and new jealousies swirl around her—and suddenly one of her tablemates drops dead, poisoned. Was Rianne the intended victim? She evidently thinks so—only that day she’d received a death threat. Rianne flees the scene and cannot be found.

Who is the murderer? And what has happened to Rianne May?

Fortunately, the school’s principal is Mother Paul, who immediately calls for Detective Inspector Savage. She assisted him (or was it the other way around?) in solving a previous case (Faculty of Murder), and between them the unlikely pair will unravel this one too. But there will be more drama—and more deaths—before the murderer is uncovered.

Moving between the brash new realm of television in the early 1960s and the cloistered atmosphere of a girls’ convent school, Make-Up for Murder is the third and final Mother Paul novel and a must-read for all fans of June Wright’s blend of intrigue, wit, and psychological suspense.


June Wright

June Wright (b. 1919) - Wrote six detective novels between 1948-66, mostly in Melbourne settings and with female detectives. While wrapping food scraps in newspaper she saw an advertisement for a novel competition, run by the London publisher Hutchinson. She won the prize with Murder in the Telephone Exchange and Hutchinson published three of her novels. With Reservation for Murder (1966) she introduced her detective-nun, the formidable Mother Paul. The best of her novels is Faculty of Murder (1961), set in Melbourne University, with Ormond College's tower on the cover.

Country of Origin



Series: Maggie Byrnes

Series: Mother Paul

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