Faculty of Murder is set at Brigid Moore Hall, a girls' hostel in the University of Melbourne, where "freshettes" are shocked by a new arrival, Judith Mornane, who announces that she intends to discover her sister's murderer. Her sister, Maureen, had mysteriously disappeared from the hostel the year before, at about the same time that a professor's wife had accidentally drowned. It is left to the newly arrived Warden, Mother Paul, together with Elizabeth Drew, the Humanities tutor, to draw the police's attention to possibilities they might not have considered.


June Wright

June Wright (b. 1919) - Wrote six detective novels between 1948-66, mostly in Melbourne settings and with female detectives. While wrapping food scraps in newspaper she saw an advertisement for a novel competition, run by the London publisher Hutchinson. She won the prize with Murder in the Telephone Exchange and Hutchinson published three of her novels. With Reservation for Murder (1966) she introduced her detective-nun, the formidable Mother Paul. The best of her novels is Faculty of Murder (1961), set in Melbourne University, with Ormond College's tower on the cover.

Country of Origin



Series: Maggie Byrnes

Series: Mother Paul

Year of Publication
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