Hookers and hawkers. 

Mosques and mosquitos.

Paul has had enough of Southeast Asia.

He's only here ‘cos it's cheap. 

And he's on the run from police after leaving Australia.

No, that place wasn't much better either. 

Well, it was when he was young. When his life was full of promise.

An up-and-coming boxer. And he had friends. And fun.

Then a bit of bad luck later and he found himself on the run in outback Australia.

Paranoid. Hiding from shadows.

The heat. The dust. The sweat. 


Next stop, Southeast Asia.

Year of Publication
Reading Pile


Thankyou for the post here! I am the author of the story. It's a gritty and lean one about a character living on the edge of Australian society and then further to the edge in an eastern one, to elude what he perceives as impending authorities in Australia.

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