A special long weekend, so a few catchups with old favourites.

From the Blurb:

A cabbie’s been beaten up, there’s a drunk and disorderly in the interview room and a possible child abuser is on his way in. Just a pretty normal Christmas Holiday for Resnick and his team. Then Dana Matheison calls to report her flat mate, Nancy, missing. Pretty soon the police have proof that Nancy was kidnapped, and then — as the New Year celebrations wind down — the first tape arrives and Resnick knows they’re dealing with a dangerous psychopath.

Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

It's a run-of-the-mill Christmas crime wave as far as D.I. Charlie Resnick is concerned - a cab driver badly beaten, one woman on drunk and disorderly charges, and a possible case of child abuse. All in all, things are under control, until they get a call from Dana Matthieson. For Dana's flatmate has been missing for eighteen hours by the time Resnick and his colleagues have been notified. And soon they have concrete proof that she has been abducted. In the New Year, the first cape arrives and Resnick knows for sure that they are dealing with a chilling psychopath.

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Submitted by Karen on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 07:09 pm