After committing an impromptu murder, Paul Barker finds himself trapped in a London apartment house.

Paul meets residents, Mayar and Kim, both of whom have dangerous secrets of their own.

While Paul contrives to conceal the crime and make good his escape, the family of crows haunting the house are ready to offer safe passage through the ghostly shadows of the underworld.


D.A. Crossman

David (D.A.) Crossman is a novelist and short story writer with a passion for flawed detectives, sinister spies, and femme fatales. English on his father’s side and Norwegian on his mother’s, David was born in South Africa and raised in South East London. David spent a number of years as an itinerant worker and he has resided in France, Israel, India, and Australia before settling down in rural New Zealand where he now lives with his family and their clowder of cats. He is currently employed (without remuneration) by his children as a cook, chauffeur, cleaner, gardener, and general dogsbody. When he isn’t ‘singing’ disharmoniously to the soundtrack of loud progressive rock music or shouting intemperately at the football on the TV, David can be found staring absently at the blank computer screen in the study.

Country of Origin



Series: Red Zone Mysteries

Year of Publication

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