It's not often I get carried away and tidy up around here - but the book stacks had got a bit out of control and I was having trouble finding things... again.  So last weekend I got stuck into a little restacking / refiling.  One of the unexpected bonuses from this horrid activity was discovering a few little treasures hidden away.  Sanctum being the one that screamed read me the loudest.

From the Blurb:

Lachlan Harriot is in a state of shock.  His wife Susie has been convicted of the murder of serial killer Andrew Gow, a prisoner in her care.  Unless Harriot can come up with grounds for an appeal in two weeks' time, Susie will be given a life sentence, depriving her of her two-year-old daughter.

Opening Lines:

I'm shocked.  I woke up after four hours' sleep this morning still trembling.  It feels as if there's a bubble of bile at the back of my throat, ready to splatter out through my mouth if I try to speak.

Year of Publication

Lachlan Harriot is in a state of shock.  His wife Susie has been convicted of the murder of serial killer Andrew Gow, a prisoner in her care.  Unless Harriot can come up with grounds for an appeal in two weeks' time, Susie will be given a life sentence, depriving her of her two-year-old daughter.

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Submitted by Karen on Tue, 12/10/2010 - 07:12 pm