Feet of Clay, Terry Pratchett

Reviewed By
Karen Chisholm

Number 3 in the sub-series of Discworld based around the City Watch, Sir Samuel Vimes has a lot on his hands when somebody tries to poison the Patrician and seems to be murdering harmless old men.

Summed up beautifully by the tagline at the end of the blurb :

Who can you trust when there are mobs on the street and plotters in the night and all the clues point the wrong way? In the gloom of the night, Watch Commander Sir Samuel Vimes finds that the truth may not be out there after all... 

Who indeed. Definitely the earring wearing, eyeshadow adorned Corporal Cheery Littlebottom (everyone just assumes that all dwarves are men after all, and nobody but nobody thinks about where new dwarves come from). Or maybe those most reliable of workers - the golems - men of clay who toil, day and night, never questioning, never thinking, until they start to commit suicide. Or perhaps a werewolf suffering from Pre-Lunar Tension? And who knows with Corporal Nobbs, hobnobbing with nobs. Certainly the nobs aren't convinced.

Trust and expectations are everything in FEET OF CLAY. With some pointed observations on slavery, equality of the sexes (and species) and alternatively living. Excellent audio version of this book as well. Can't tell you how pleased I am to be working my way from start to finish in this series.


Year of Publication
Book Number (in series)

Who's murdering harmless old men? Who's poisoning the Patrician? As autumn fogs hold Ankh-Morpork in their grip, the City Watch has to track down a murderer who can't be seen.

Maybe the golems know something - but the solemn men of clay, who work all day and night and are never any trouble to anyone, have started to commit suicide...

It's not as if the Watch hasn't got problems of its own. There's a werewolf suffering from Pre-Lunar Tension, Corporal Nobbs is hob-nobbing with the nobs, and there's something really strange about the new dwarf recruit, especially his earrings and eyeshadow.

Who can you trust when there are mobs on the street and plotters in the night and all the clues point the wrong way? In the gloom of the night, Watch Commander Sir Samuel Vimes finds that the truth may not be out there after all... 

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