I've been meaning to pick this book up for quite a while, and was feeling like a slight break from local authors - so Bleeding Heart Square was just the ticket.

From the Blurb:

Partly based on a celebrated real-life Victorian murder case, this mysterious gothic novel will have readers gripped from the very first page.

Opening Lines:

Sometimes you frighten yourself.  So, what is it, exactly?  A punishment?  A distraction?  A relief?  You're not sure.  You tell yourself that it happened more than four years ago, that it doesn't matter any more and nothing you can do can change a thing.  But you don't listen, do you?  All you do is go back to that nasty little green book.

Year of Publication

It's 1934, and the decaying London cul-de-sac of Bleeding Heart Square is an unlikely place of refuge for aristocratic Lydia Langstone.  But as she flees her abusive marriage there is only one person who she can turn to - the genteelly derelict Captain Ingleby-Lewis, currently lodging at no 7.

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Submitted by Karen on Thu, 21/05/2009 - 07:14 pm